Hudson and Lawson usually ride until their little legs get tired and then spend the remainder of the trip testing the boundaries of personal space in the confinement of their bike trailer. Our little convoy was organized strategically with Lori in front, then Camden (he's prone to try off-roading if he's not closely supervised), then Jason pulling Hudson and Lawson inside the trailer and their bikes off the back of the trailer (tow truck style), then Mommy and Scout in her baby bike seat. We were the topic of several tourists' conversation when we circled the Tybee Lighthouse.
These are my reluctant little bikers holed up in the back of Daddy's truck on Tybee Island. It took a great deal of coaxing to bring them down.
We finally bribed them into getting on their bikes by promising loads of fun on the playground after we excercised. Ha! Little did I know that the only "exercise" I would get was the extreme exertion of patience it took for me to ride at the same speed as a four-year-old who would rather stop to look at knots on a tree than ride for more than thirty consecutive seconds.
Here is my sweet-cheeked little love, who spent the last ten minutes of the ride ramming her helmet into my back and then lifting my T-shirt up and down.
We made it home and pulled ourselves together for our date night. Granted, we were half an hour late, but I did get to wash my hair AND paint my toenails. I wore my $20 dress from Ross and some strappy black shoes from my college days, enabling me to feel sassy and frugal. Not an easy feat, I promise. We had a great night out, and I got to see my name in print in South Magazine's beautiful five year anniversary issue (my article is on page 84 for anyone who is able to see the issue). Now it's back to mom sweats and carpool lines as I prepare for another week on the seesaw.
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